Parco Angiolina

The park of wonders that has fallen under a spell: Parco Angiolina

We travel for many reasons, we do it to explore wild and unknown masterpieces, to reach the iconic places and architectural monuments that have become the symbol of entire cities and countries and to immerse ourselves in local culture and traditions. We do it to visit galleries, museums and places of knowledge, and also for reach all those parks and gardens where, thanks to human intervention, nature can explode in all its beauty.

And it is precisely in one of these places that we want to take you today, in a park of wonders that over the years has transformed into an essential destination for those visiting Croatia. We are talking about Parco Angiolina, an evocative and fascinating jewel located in coastal town of Opatija, which in Italian is called Abbey, which is home to hundreds of plant species from all over the world.

It is precisely in this green lung of the city that, among the picturesque paths, shrubs and colorful flowers, it exists a forest that has undergone a temporary spell. In fact, it has transformed into the home of the 7 dwarfs and their friends. The magic will last throughout the Christmas holidays.

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The park of wonders that has fallen under a spell

Organizing a trip to Croatia is always an excellent idea, at any time of the year and in any season. The Eastern European country which partly overlooks the Adriatic Sea, in fact, is a concentration of natural, cultural and historical wonders that enchant with every kilometer travelled. There are so many things to do and places to visit, among these there is also Opatija.

It is a renowned tourist and seaside resort frequented especially in the summer period. The city, in fact, directly overlooks the sea and its strategic position allows you to live dream holidays made of relaxation and carefreeness.

Furthermore, Opatija is also known for its splendid Angiolina Parka garden of plants from all over which winds around the nineteenth-century villa of the same name and which also houses the Croatian Tourism Museum.

The park, one of the most beautiful in the whole country, is home to a wide variety of floral species that put on a show in every season. The camellia, which thrives here, has become the symbol of the city. In addition to this specimen we find the American fir, the Himalayan cypress, the aralia and 150 other species.

This urban green lung, as we anticipated, is always worth a visit, at any time of the year. However, it is now that its paths have been enchanted. During the Advent period, and until January 7th, it is possible to have very special encounters with magical creatures! The 7 dwarfs and their friends, in fact, have decided to temporarily move here.

Parco Angiolina: a fairytale Christmas

If you are thinking of organizing a trip to Croatia during the holiday season, then, you cannot fail to include a stop in Opatija in your travel itinerary. Reaching the city you can visit the Angiolina Park which, in this period, has lit up with magic.

Thousands of lights have illuminated the garden, the pavilions and the fascinating villa, and the entire park has been transformed into the stage for musical shows that will alternate until January 7th. But it is only by entering the dense lush paths of the area that you will be able to touch the spell first hand.

Walking inside the park, in fact, you reach a green forest where strange creatures live. These are the 7 dwarfs, and their friends, who have chosen to move here temporarily, perhaps while waiting for Snow White, or perhaps because they too have not been immune to the charm of the garden. The fact is that their presence has transformed Parco Angiolina into a fairy tale to be experienced.

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