The Queen's Day in Amsterdam

The Queen’s Day in Amsterdam

The Queen’s Day o Queen’s Day, in olandse Queen’s Dayis the annual party that celebrates the Queen’s birthday.

Although the celebrations are all over Holland, it is easy to imagine that in Amsterdam this national holiday has transformed into a street party of international appeal.
What happens these days may surpass your imagination.

I had the pleasure of going in 2010 and I think I can count these two days of celebration as one of the most fun street parties I’ve ever taken part in.

The festival lasts two days. The feast day is April 30th but the celebrations begin the night before, called Queen Night.

The color that reigns over all is obviouslyorangeI arrived with a wig that made me look more like a trans than a woman but at least I integrated 100% into the party.

For two days the city is transformed into a huge club, techno music played by boats in the canals, DJs scattered in all corners of the city play quality music, and for those who love house and techno there will be no shortage of fun.

This event attracts every year 700 thousand tourists only in the city of Amsterdam, for those who know the city is not that big, it will therefore be easy to imagine how crowded it can become.
Despite this, I found it easy to move around the streets and neighborhoods, I only recommend always staying in a group otherwise it’s difficult to find friends, and due to the crowds and the often unpronounceable names of the streets that even call each other to find a spot common will be an even more difficult undertaking.

In addition to dancing from one stage to another, it is worth a visit to Market Free market where the most unique things are sold. More of a social occasion than a commercial opportunity. The prices are symbolic, they sell second hand things and it’s definitely fun. Also suitable for children.

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Queen’s Night Queen’s Night

This is the holiday that is celebrated the night before Queen’s Day.

It starts already in the afternoon and continues until the morning. Unfortunately when I went it was raining so much that I couldn’t do much but from what my friend from Amsterdam told me it’s even more fun than the day itself, when the street celebrations end when the sun goes down when everyone goes home ( because tired you are tired) or you flock to some private club.

The day before you can also witness the streets of the city local bands and folk songs, I will always remember this guy singing the songs of such André who seems to have been a famous Dutch singer but who made me laugh.
Maybe music a little difficult to understand for foreigners.

But in addition to local music, in these two days there is no shortage of rock concerts and quality house/techno music, after all the Dutch are renowned throughout Europe for house music.

On the day of the party the music starts at 11am Museumplein and for years now the grand finale has been played by the legendary Pot where thousands of people dance for free to the music of one of the most famous international DJs in the world. It is now an institution and has been doing so for years.
Other places to dance are the Leidseplein e Stoperaplein.

The boats play techno music and follow each other one after the other in particular a Prinsengracht in front of the house Anna Frank.

Where to sleep for Queen’s day

When I went we were a well-stocked group, 6 people and so we booked an apartment. The costs on this occasion obviously increase but they were still decidedly reasonable and in the end it cost less than a hotel with the comfort of a home in the splendid Jordan neighborhood.
If you want to stay in a hotel instead, I highly recommend booking well in advance.

The Queen's Day in Amsterdam

Transport for Queen’s day

In two days simply forget about using public transport.

It’s a national holiday, you don’t go to the office and people only think about having to go. Considering the high number of visitors for a small city like Amsterdam, the only solution is obviously not to have transport. Not even cars.

Tips for Queen’s day

The day will be long, very long and chaotic. Below are some perhaps obvious tips for having fun without stress and worries.

  • Avoid valuables and be careful with your bag or backpack.
  • Don’t be fashionable, wear comfortable shoes.
  • Ibo and drinks can be bought in the numerous supermarkets, all open and stocked. But there’s plenty of beer and food for everyone
  • It’s not because there are so many people and people are having fun that drugs are allowed on the streets. Remember that smoking marijuana on the street is also not legal. There are police everywhere.

Have fun, it’s a fun party and you will hardly forget it!

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