Replace the boring in-flight entertainment options

Replace the boring in-flight entertainment options! Try this one instead

What do you do when you can’t get bored at all when you lie mindlessly in bed, surfing the TV and thinking about how boring life can be? Well, most of us just cut the grind by trying to get out and catch up with a friend for a beer or coffee. Well, unfortunately these options are not available when you are at an altitude of 22,000 feet in the air. Yes, we are talking about a long haul flight!

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So, if you find yourself in a situation during your flight where you are bored and there are no movies to entertain you, try some of the following alternatives. Trust us, they will help!

Talk to your fellow passenger

So there are two things: your fellow passenger is a stranger or you are sitting next to a family member. When you sit next to a stranger it’s just perfect; listen to their life stories and get them interested in yours (although you need to get them as bored as you are first). And if it’s a family member, there’s no better time to bond (where could they possibly get out of a conversation). Good looking!

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Turn on selfie mode

When boredom reaches the slippery point, run to the reserved resort; selfies and dubsmash videos. Fun, frolic and the perfect way to pass your time. With this idea, you can capture some of your airplane memories with fun videos and boomerangs. Warning: you may get very annoyed looks from fellow passengers. But carefree and selfie more!

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Write journal or journal

We know you have that one personal journal that never flew (no pun intended) and now is probably the right time to start filling those lines. As per number of researchers, creativity is at its best when you are intensely bored. So you can take full advantage of this time and write down interesting ideas and ideas. If you enjoy writing, we are sure that no long-haul flight can get you bored.

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Game on Champ!

So there are some games on your mobile that are highly addictive. If you are also one of those gamers, use this time to cross that level. Put on your gamer mood, put your phone on airplane mode and start tapping.

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Yoga sitting

No, we’re not kidding! Yoga is the buzzword these days and you shouldn’t miss a chance to get healthy. Of course, we don’t want you to do those complicated stretches, but you can easily do some breathing exercises in that limited space.

So these are some of the in-flight entertainment alternatives we tried! Let us know how you handle boredom on a flight.

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