forest, fog, austria

The 5 most beautiful photo spots in the Waldviertel

So close, so untouched and so much to see – we love the Waldviertel and hereby come out as fans of the northernmost part of Austria. If you are looking for nature experiences off the beaten track, the Waldviertel is the right place for you. We can already promise that much!

What many people don’t know: The Thayatal National Park is one of just six national parks in Austria in the Waldviertel. And that wasn’t all. From the spectacular Ysperklamm to the fjord-like Ottenstein reservoir, you can look forward to magnificent photo opportunities in the Waldviertel.

In this blog article we present you five brilliant photo spots in the forest district. Of course, as always, there are also our practical tips for your trip. Ready for a trip to the magical north of Lower Austria? Here we go!

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1. Nebelstein

One of the undoubtedly most beautiful photo spots in the Waldviertel is the so-called Nebelstein, the highest elevation of the Waldviertel. At its summit, at 1,017 meters above sea level, there is a viewing platform from which you can grandiose 360 ​​degree view enjoy.

Information and things worth knowing for your visit

You reach the viewing platform exclusively on foot. The shortest way leads you from “Parking lot Nebelstein refuge” through the forest in just over 10 minutes to the summit. The gravel path is a bit steep, but also suitable for less fit people.

If you are looking for a bigger sporting challenge, we recommend it Nebelstein adventure trail. This circular hiking trail takes you 11 kilometers in around 4 hours through the beautiful landscape of the northern Waldviertel.

Good to know: The viewing platform is freely accessible all year round. A visit in winter when there is snow is particularly impressive (but also icy cold). In the beautiful Waldviertel we actually got a bit of a Lapland feeling.

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2. Iron clam

A impressive nature experience awaits you in the Ysperklamm. It is the largest and most spectacular gorge in Lower Austria. with her moss-covered rock formations, the rushing waterfalls and narrow gorges you can look forward to a very special natural jewel.

Information and things worth knowing for your visit

In order to be able to explore the Ysperklamm and its beautiful photo spots, you have to go halfway good on foot be. The classic circular route (Tour no. 32) starts at the parking lot at the Gasthof Forellenhof. From here it is a good 250 meters in altitude over rocky forest paths, bridges and stairs uphill through the gorge. Entry is through a turnstile (price: 5 euros in cash).

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The sound of the Ysper accompanies you throughout the hike. On the way you may over Photo opportunities galore be happy. So be sure to bring an empty memory card with you, because the Ysperklamm is really incredibly photogenic.

A little tip: With a bit of luck and at the right time of year, you will meet the rare one here Fire salamander. So be sure to keep your eyes open. During our visit, it had rained heavily just before, so the rocks and roots were very slippery. So always consider the weather when planning your trip.

After about one hour you reach the upper end of the Ysperklamm. From there it goes back to the starting point via a simple gravel path. Alternatively, you can hike back through the gorge the same way.

3. National Park Thaya Valley

In the extreme north-east of the Waldviertel, in the border area to the Czech Republic, is the smallest of a total of six national parks in Austria, the Thayatal National Park. Five million years ago, the power of the Thaya dug an impressive gorge landscape with countless river meanders.

Probably the most famous photo spot in the national park is on the so-called surpass. From here you enjoy that iconic view of the river meander and the circulation mountain.

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Information and things worth knowing for your visit

A great hiking trail through the national park, where you can also reach the famous vantage point at the crossing, is the so-called Thayatalweg. It takes you from Hardegg over a distance of 9.5 kilometers to the parking lot at the Kaja ruins.

If you prefer to be a little more comfortable and a little shorter on the road, then you can also from Parking at the Kaja ruins start off, and thus walk in the opposite direction. From here you walk about an hour before you reach the viewpoint at the crossing. This section of the route mostly leads through the forest along the Kajabach. So it is pleasantly cool here even in midsummer. In this case, you would hike back to the car the same way.

The viewpoint itself is freely accessible all year round. We imagine a visit at sunset or sunrise to be particularly beautiful.

4. Ottenstein reservoir

In the picturesque Kamptal there is another worth seeing photo spot of the Waldviertel: the fjord-like Ottenstein reservoir. It is the largest of the three reservoirs. With its branching tributaries and bays, something is actually coming here Scandinavia Feeling on.

Information and things worth knowing for your visit

The classic photo motif of the Ottenstein reservoir can be found very close to the parking lot in Lichtenfels. Of the Rock north of the lake restaurant you can enjoy the best view of the lake including the monkey island and the Lichtenfels castle ruins in the background – an absolute one perfect sunset spot.

However, it is definitely worth exploring the region in more detail. Our tip: When boat rental At the Seerestaurant Ottenstein you can borrow a pedal boat, rowing boat or electric boat and discover the Ottenstein reservoir from the water.

5. Langenlois Wine Trail

Last but not least: The last Waldviertel photo spot is a Tip for all those who love wine. Along the Langenlois Wine Trail you will learn exciting details about viticulture and wine enjoyment. The path takes you about six kilometers through the picturesque vineyards above the town of Langenlois.

Information and things worth knowing for your visit

The circular hiking trail starts in the center of Langenlois at the so-called Ursin Haus. From here it goes quickly “out of town” in the direction of the vineyards. You will pass numerous sculptures and adventure stations.

About halfway, one of the highlights is waiting for you: The giant bunch of grapes along with the modern viewing platform. From here you can enjoy a magical view over the vines down to Langenlois and in the direction of Heiligenstein, one of the most important vineyards in the Kamptal.

Don’t worry: along the Langenlois wine trail, it’s always extremely leisurely. A total of 6 kilometers and 140 meters in altitude have to be mastered. We would plan about 1.5 to 2 hours.

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