Travel Hazards South America

Travel Hazards South America

What are the dangers of traveling to South America? Is it safe to travel alone?

The only real danger of traveling to South America is that you didn’t have enough time to do everything you thought could be done on paper, and from home!

Everything else is “para” boredom, just to give a semi-author’s quote. The title of the post is misleading I know.

I wrote gods travel dangers on several occasions and in this post I don’t intend to repeat myself for a simple reason: the South America like Central America, like the whole world, it can only be dangerous if you put yourself in danger more or less voluntarily.

I’m here now since April 2012 and not only has nothing ever happened to me but I have never even had the feeling of being in real danger, I have crossed borders at night, as well as I mainly travel when the sun goes down to arrive at my destination in the early hours of the morning, so as to Don’t miss travel days.

The truth is that there are misperceptions about South America, especially when connecting its countries to realities made of drugs and guerrillas.
So put stories of massacres at the borders or in confined areas, let’s say that we hear on the news or read in the newspapers of murdered people, blood and massacres at the borders or in the poorest neighborhoods of the big cities, the truth is that, unless you are in the off limits suburbs of the big cities, where I would like to understand why you want to go, the chances of encountering these scenes are more than rare.
In fact, it doesn’t take much to realize that these events happen in peripheral areas or among drug traffickers to understand that we could hardly be implicated in shootings or bloody massacres.

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The main problem that afflicts Latin America is actually linked to the drug trade, in particular cocaine whose producing countries par excellence are Bolivia e Perunot just Colombia as everyone might imagine.
The production of this drug therefore has its epicenter in the two countries where the greatest quantity of coca leaves is produced and there are those who work as “cocalero”, Evo Morales president of Bolivia was one of these, once ready it is transported to Colombia from where it is exported I imagine to North America via San Blas (but these are my assumptions… more or less well-founded).

As I have written on several occasions, Latin America is not South East Asia where you actually travel more relaxed and the risks decrease considerably.

But by taking the usual precautions dictated mainly by common sense, even in Latin American countries you can travel without having fears and paranoia that do not make you enjoy the trip but cause unnecessary and unprofitable anxieties.
I haven’t been to Brazil yet, and I admit that of all the countries on the continent it is the one that alarms me the most in terms of security, but up until now there hasn’t been a single moment in which I thought I could put myself in danger. , not even when I walked at night in Quito or Lima, as long as you don’t go beyond the demarcated borders and where fleets of police check that everything is proceeding in the right direction.
Do you want to go to South America but are you afraid? Wrong! It doesn’t take much to experience this journey in total tranquility… once and for all. The risk is that of never wanting to return!

white red and green wooden street sign

Traveling safely in South America?

Some tips for traveling safely in Latin America. Simple and effective!

Don’t walk the streets alone at night

This is the number one tip, which I have repeated many times.
I’m not saying that you have to lock yourself in the house as soon as night falls but if you go out on your way back it’s always better to take a taxi. They are generally cheap and not worth putting yourself in danger of not spending $1 on shipping.

Hang out with locals

The best way to enjoy a country and have fun and learn about it safely is to hang out with local people.
They know better than you what to do, where to go, how. South Americans are kind and helpful, if you speak Spanish things are even easier but the cases in which I have seen communication without speaking the same language have not been rare. No surprise therefore if you are invited to go out or discover the city, one full immersion which guarantees in-depth knowledge and greater safety.

Avoid exploring bad neighborhoods

Honestly, I’ve never understood what’s nice or fun about going on tours in favelas or bad neighborhoods.
In Rio de Janeiro I know that these excursions are organized (which I will not take part in) but all the big South American cities have off limits neighborhoods where not even the locals, sometimes not even the police want to go. Why would you ever go there? If you decide to do it, make sure you rely on an ethical and responsible operator and don’t go alone.

Beware of drugs

However, drugs should not be bought here, nor in Europe nor elsewhere in the world but especially in Latin America, I must admit that they are everywhere in a more or less obvious way, it is not difficult to find them but be careful, we are not in Amsterdam.

Whether you want to smoke marijuana or buy cocaine, there are two risks: falling into the clutches of sellers who, in addition to the money for the purchase, take the change you have in your wallet or being arrested… and I don’t think anyone really wants to stay there. in the cell.

Dress modestly and don’t attract too much attention

I’m not saying you need to dress like rags but showing off too much is counterproductive.

Jewelry and expensive objects they identify the person as the perfect target for a theft.
If you have an expensive camera it is fine to go out during the day to do your photo shoot but it is not necessary to take it with you at night when you go to the pub or nightclub. TO
Also be careful of smartphones in your pockets at night when you go dancing. There are quite a few cases in which quick hands slip into pockets and plunder what there is to plunder.

Is South America dangerous?

The answer is obviously it depends. We can’t pretend that there isn’t street crime, especially in big cities, but if you’re careful you won’t run into any danger.
Common sense will tell you what to do, instinct is fundamental. Traveling with fear does nothing other than waste time and only risks creating interpersonal walls with sociable and fun populations who are always more willing to help than to rob

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