Trekking all Cameron Highlands

Trekking all Cameron Highlands (Malaysia)

About 5 hours by bus north of Kuala Lumpur there is a vast plateau with a very particular microclimate, the Cameron Highlands.

The vegetation is lush and there is never a shortage of water; the temperature is mild and the diurnal temperature range, like the annual one, is limited: around a constant 21° from January to December.
A true paradise for growers of almost every plant species, specifically for those of tea, flowers and vegetables.
In the valleys carved by the rivers, the largest tea cultivations in Malaysia are located, such as Boh, and endless expanses of flower greenhouses, which at sunset offer a unique spectacle: some species of flowers, in fact, will grow more if exposed to the light and heat of a light bulb.

Here you will have the impression that the entire mountain ridge is on fire… The tea fields, on the other hand, consist of very dense expanses of low shrubs arranged without a precise order which continue to generate very green shoots, promptly pruned by special scissors-spoons and carried by large wicker baskets on the backs of the workers, with the precision and safety of someone who must have repeated those movements a million times.

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green grass field near mountain under white clouds during daytime

Why go to the Cameron Highlands?

Trekking is certainly the fundamental reason why it is really worth undertaking the five-hour journey from one of Kuala Lumpur’s large bus stations to Ground level (7 euro).
It represents the inhabited center best served in terms of accommodation and catering, as well as the starting point of ten trekking trails on both sides of the valley, most of which are of medium difficulty (2-4 hours) and without any entrance ticket.
All the routes have in common that atmosphere of extreme peace and contact with a nature that has practically remained unchanged over the millennia. You don’t see many hikers in these parts, but there’s no way to get lost no matter how thick the jungle gets.

Route number one is one of the most spectacular and starts from Brinchang, beyond the market area and towards the end of the town: a white stone engraved with 1/48 will signal the beginning. The climb is challenging but doesn’t leave time for boredom or fatigue to take over.

The intricate jungle and the enormous tangles of roots emerging from the earth that you will use as handholds will keep you – literally – in suspense, all the way to the summit. The finish line will be reached in an hour, and consists of a watchtower built on the top of the mountain – at over 2,000 meters -, from which you can enjoy a 360 degree view of the surrounding valleys. The descent is much more agile and rapid, because you follow the asphalt road up to the tea plantations.

Get lost among the labyrinths of bushes atAlice in Worderland” and stop to observe the workers, if you are lucky enough to meet them. On the road there will be no shortage of pleasant encounters such as wild wild strawberry plants, white and elaborate passion fruit flowers and friendly local families on a trip, eager to take a photo with you!

The end of the track will take you a few kilometers outside Brinchangnear the butterfly farm, from where it is best to take a taxi or hitchhike in complete tranquility.

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