What to eat in Cambodia

What to eat in Cambodia – Delicious Khmer cuisine

Said the Re Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk “ A typical Cambodian lunch consists of soup, salad, fish, vegetables and rice. A Cambodian sticky rice and fruit dessert”.

The charm of Cambodia goes far beyond famous ruins of Angkor Wat or the simplicity of the Khmer lifestyle villages in the eastern part still not very touristy where people are still sociable and where Westerners become a source of chatter and curiosity.

Food in Cambodia plays an important part in the travel experience. It’s really good!

I don’t know why Cambodian food is not as famous as Thai or Vietnamese food because it is excellent and varied.

The influences of the two giants of Asian cuisine (Thailand and Vietnam) they feel a lot, but in this case the spices are used moderately, they are there but they don’t kill you.
Furthermore, considering that Cambodia was a French colony, what is not missing here and what made me happy is the pane.
The baguettes they are sold on every corner, filled or empty, in addition, many bakeries offer delicacies and snacks at a cost of 50 cents which will satisfy even the most aggressive stomachs.

The desserts and the savory gastronomy of salata are excellent, I’m not joking if I say that they were the first thought in the morning and the last in the evening.
A combination of Thai, Vietnamese and European influences that have made this cuisine one of my favourites.

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In 3 weeks of travel I have never eaten the same thing and I have always left with a full stomach and above all happy.
I seafood they are not in short supply within the country, these are in fact excellent.
They are found in large quantities on the coast where a barbeque of barracuda, cuttlefish and prawns can cost as little as $4 at one of the many beach restaurants.
Il freshwater fish is another widely used ingredient, just think that the fish amok it is one of the typical dishes.

Cambodia is rich in water and rivers, the main ones being the Mekong and the Tonle Sap a huge lake, so fish is one of the most used foods in the kitchen even if meat (excellent) and chicken are obviously not lacking.
For those who want to try typical Cambodian dishes my advice is:

  • Fish Amok: Steamed fish in coconut sauce cooked in banana leaves
  • Lok Lak: Chunks of meat (but you can also have prawns which is excellent) with sauce on a bed of tomatoes and onions and fried egg
  • Noodles and salad in gamberi : Rice noodles in oil and lemon, prawns and herbs
  • Saiong Jayk mien snoul: Fried chicken or pork in banana flowers
  • Saich Moan Char Trop: fried chicken breast with roasted aubergines
  • Trey Bom Poung: fish fillet placed on a bed of tomatoes and carrots in a sweet and sour sauce
  • Banana Blossom salad: chicken, banana and aromatic herb salad
  • Fried and fresh spring rolls (My favorites): both vegetarian and meat or chicken rolls
  • Pumpkin pudding: blended eggs, coconut milk in pumpkin

If you are planning your trip to Cambodia read the post – Three week travel itinerary in Cambodia

Khmer food

There is no shortage of it fresh fruit: pineapple, coconut, mango, passion fruit.
With this delicious fruit they are made excellent shakes which go very well with main courses or are excellent for a mid-day snack.

If you like cooking and above all eating I recommend taking a course Khmer cuisine.
I took the lesson in Battambang at Nary’s Chitcken in an internal street near the market.
The owner speaks good English and if he has time he will tell you about the times of the Khmer Rouge when he was still a child and was forced to work in the fields.

what to eat in Cambodia

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Read also: What to do in Battambang in Cambodia

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