When to go to Norway

When to go to Norway? Climate and Period – 2024

Knowing when to go to Norway and the best period, based on climate , weather and temperatures , allows us to better organize the trip to this wonderful Scandinavian country . In this guide, we will learn about the climate of Norway during its seasons, allowing us to organize the trip according to our needs and based on the areas we wish to visit. Beautiful Norway is a country characterized by a mountainous landscape, fjords and glaciers. Let’s discover together the best time to visit the country, thus making your trip to Norway perfect!

The Climate of Norway

To best organize your trip to Norway it is important to know the temperatures and climate based on each season and the area you want to visit. Thus finding out what is the best time to go to Norway. In fact, the climate can influence our travel experience. The climate in Norway is oceanic . Not cold but rainy on the west coast, such as in Bergen , continental towards Oslo and sub-polar oceanic towards the north, such as at North Cape . Inland areas have mild summers and harsh winters. On the west coast, precipitation is more abundant, both rain and snow, decreasing towards Lapland .

The best time to go to Norway, based on temperatures, climate and weather, is undoubtedly in summer , from June to August. Temperatures can still be cool, but mild in the Oslo area. Even in summer, especially in the western area, rains are frequent, and June is also a good sunny month, ideal for seeing the midnight sun in the north. For those looking for snow sports, however, the best month is March and for the Northern Lights the months from November to January.

So let’s see in detail when to go based on the weather, climate and temperature of Norway, discovering the best period.

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West Coast climate

The climate, weather and temperatures in Norway on the west coast is the one most exposed to maritime influences , being of an oceanic type. Disturbances are frequent, such as wind and rain throughout the year. The southern area is cold in winter, also due to the humidity and wind which make the temperatures perceived as lower than they really are. Bergen averages around 2°C in January, reaching 16°C in summer. The mild air that is brought in from the sea in winter is refreshing in summer, bringing temperatures to a maximum of 16°C, increasing inland during the day.

The sea temperature towards Bergen is low, between 5 and 15°C maximum in August. Going north, temperatures reach below zero and snowfall also increases in the coastal stretch. As for the fjords on the west coast, these have a different climate and weather, depending on exposure and their shape, becoming less rainy the further they are from the sea. For example, in Trondheim , in a large and deep fjord, it reaches -1° in January and around 15°C in July.

bergen from mount Fløyen - when to go to norway - norway when to go - when to go to norway - what is the best time to go to norway - best time to visit norway - best time to go to norway
Bergen, dal monte Fløyen

Coastal climate in the North

Let’s move to the northern coast of Norway to find out the best time to go here based on its climate, weather and temperatures. On the northern Norwegian coast, temperatures are colder than on the western coast and the climate is sub-polar oceanic. Only one branch of the Gulf Stream reaches here, not freezing the open sea at this latitude, creating a unique case. In winter temperatures here in Norway are below freezing, reaching as low as -5°C in the east in winter.

The North Cape in winter has temperatures and a Norwegian climate similar to Oslo, although this season is longer. Furthermore, the coast is close to the Pole, exposing it to northern winds , which are furious even in spring. Also in the North Cape from May to July the sun never sets, thus creating white nights . In the fjords to the north, temperatures drop slightly in winter and the sea also freezes. In Lakselv , in a 120km fjord, the averages in February reach -8°C.

Nordkapp - norway when to go best time to go climate weather temperature
North Cape

Southern coast climate

On the southern coast, which is to the south-east, we find the Skagerrak : the strait that divides Denmark from Norway. Here the Norwegian climate is less influenced by the ocean. In fact, compared to Bergen it is less rainy and humid, while colder in the winter, with averages around zero, and higher temperatures in the summer. Here in Norway, in fact, in summer the maximum temperatures reach 21°C. Towards Kristiansand the average goes from 0° in January reaching 16°C in July, with abundant rainfall. On the southern part of the coast, Norwegians also swim in August and the sea reaches 17°C towards Mandal .

Mandal - climate norway - norway climate - the climate of norway - climate in norway - the norwegian climate

Climate inland areas and Lapland

To find out the best time to go to the inland areas of Norway, let’s find out its climate, weather and temperatures here. Here we find a continental climate , with snowy and freezing winters, while summers are mild. The territory is characterized by heights and hills, Norway’s temperature therefore also decreases based on altitude, reaching the highest peak of Mount Galdhøpiggen , at 2,469 m. Perennial snows in the country begin at 1,500 m . On the border with Sweden , towards Hedmark and Sør-Trøndelag, we find a marked continental climate, being far from the sea. With winter temperatures reaching -40°C in the coldest area of ​​Norway, Lapland , south of Finnmark.

Lapland summers are short and intense, with very long days and reaching temperatures of up to 30°C . This is also the best area to see the Northern Lights . In the city considered the capital of Lapland, Karasjok , the averages are – 15°C in January and 14°C in July. Furthermore, here in Norway, the weather forecasts little rainfall and from 20 May to 25 July the sun does not set.

area montana Galdhøpiggen
L’area montana di Galdhøpiggen

Climate south-eastern area

In the south-eastern area, the climate, temperatures and weather in Norway are continental Baltic, similar to the area of ​​Sweden on the Baltic Sea . The best time to go here in Norway is always summer, as winters are cold with temperatures below 0 and snowfalls are frequent . Furthermore, in winter mild currents can also arrive from the Atlantic , bringing rain and not snow, or a freezing current can arrive from Russia , bringing temperatures even below -25°C .

However , rainfall here throughout the year remains moderate and well distributed, especially in summer and autumn. Oslo also has this type of climate and is located in an 80km fjord . The sea here even reaches 17°C in August.

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Climate of the Nordic Islands

Finally, in Norway we also find the micro-climate of the Nordic Islands to understand to understand the best time to go here. Between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans we find the island of Jan Mayen , with a sub-Arctic climate. The island is approximately 53 km long and not permanently inhabited. It is located in the Arctic, 550 km north-east of Iceland, but with the same altitude as the North Cape.

The least windy months here are June and July. Going further north we find Svalbard , the northernmost area of ​​the country and also the coldest place during the winter. An archipelago belonging to Norway to the east of Greenland and which is “only” 1,100 km away from the North Pole. Here during the winter the coast is reached by polar ice .

Svalbard miners' houses
Miners’ houses in Svalbard

Norway Temperatures, When to Go?

As we have seen, based on the areas we want to visit, we can find distinct types of climate , temperature and weather in Norway . In general, any time of the year is ideal for a trip here, although the best time to visit Norway is certainly summer. Although spring, winter and autumn are not advisable for a trip, but you have to take into account the temperatures and the weather and rainfall.

Below, we will analyze each season , also listing any holidays and events. Advising you on trips and the best time to visit the country based on the Norwegian climate and weather.

Winter in Norway

As anticipated, if you are thinking about when to go to Norway during the best period, winter is not among them. To face the Norwegian winter , very warm, thermal and waterproof clothes , sweaters, down jackets and a windbreaker are recommended . However, in winter in Norway it is certainly the best time to have fun in the snow , thanks to numerous activities , or visit museums and go hunting for the Northern Lights . If you don’t like skiing, why not cross the snow fields with a dog sled or go ice fishing? Thus experiencing the splendid nature of Norway even in winter, perhaps spending a magical Christmas and New Year here! To warm up after a day out, don’t miss a typical sauna !

Spring in Norway

Thanks to its weather, temperatures and climate, visiting Norway in spring will allow us to find an excellent climate for our trip, especially from May to September . With the arrival of spring, in May Norway lights up with the colors of Nature, changing its face. The days are also getting longer. The best time to find clear skies is from May to September; therefore also ideal for seeing the Northern Lights . During Easter week in the country the ski slopes fill up to be able to ski in a pleasant climate. Furthermore, families go to the shores of Hardangerfjord to admire the flowering trees.

Summer in Norway

Summer in Norway, thanks to its weather, climate and temperatures, is definitely one of the best times to go here! However, let’s not forget that Norwegian summer is always a cool season , which is why it is necessary to have waterproof and demi-season clothes. Summer is in fact the ideal time to visit the fjords on boat excursions or to participate in the numerous events and festivals held in the country, especially in Oslo.

Autumn in Norway

Finally, autumn, with its climate and temperature in Norway, is not one of the best times to go here. In fact, in autumn there are different climates and temperatures in Norway and October can already be considered the beginning of winter, while in the south you can still feel the summer atmosphere. From November in the mountains the rain turns to snow , but in this period the foliage is wonderful in many areas. Norwegian autumn is represented by høst , i.e. the harvest. To the north, however, the Northern Lights return to the sky.

Norway Climate, When to Go?

After having shown you what is the best time to go to Norway based on the climate, we have seen that the ideal season to visit the country is summer

So, when is the best time to go to Norway ? Let’s see together the table with all the details to find out when to go to Norway based on the months of the year.

Months per year*****=mild
*****=more expensive

FAQ, Norway When to Go

Below you will find frequently asked questions from our travelers to see together what is the best time to go based on the weather in Norway, its climate and temperatures.

When is it best to go to Norway?

In summer, from June to August.

When not to go to Norway?

There are no particular periods not recommended for going to Norway.

When to go to Norway to see the Northern Lights?

The best time for Norway to look for the Northern Lights is from September to April.

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