When to go to South Africa?

When to go to South Africa? Climate and Period

Knowing when to go to South Africa and the best period, based on climate , weather and temperature, will allow us to organize make the most of your trip to this wonderful country in the southernmost area of ​​the African continent. In this guide, we will learn about the climate of South Africa during its seasons, allowing us to organize according to our needs and according to areas that we wish to visit. South Africa is a country absolutely worth discovering, characterized by its varied landscapes, the dizzying cliffs and the dreamlike beaches. So let’s discover together the best period to visit the country, thus making your trip to South Africa perfect.

The climate of South Africa

To best organize your trip to South Africa it is important to know its temperatures and climate based on each season and the .Johannesburg and , with moderate rainfall in the eastern area where desert are frequent, have hot days . The western part of the South African plateau is arid near the thunderstorms, during which summers. The winters in the country are sunny and dry, with cold nights. plateau, being covered by a large subtropical can influence our travel experience in various ways. The climate of South Africa is mainly climate you want to visit. So let’s find out the best time to go to South Africa! In fact, thearea

In the area of ​​the western coast, near the Namib Desert, the climate in South Africa is arid and cool, taking on Mediterranean characteristics in the southern eastern area. Here the winters are rainy and mild, while the summers are sunny in the Cape Town, while towards Durban the summer becomes rainy. Since South Africa is the southernmost area of ​​the African continent, in the southern hemisphere, it is important to remember that we will find seasons and rainfall reversed compared to ours.

So let’s see in detail when to go based on the weather, climate and temperatures, discovering the best time to go to South Africa.

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Western Coastal Climate

To understand the best period for South Africa, therefore, it is necessary to understand the climate based on the various areas of the country. The area of ​​the west coast of South Africa is influenced by the Benguela Current coming from sea, which makes the climate arid by inhibiting the currents that condense vertically. In this way, however, mist and fog also form during the first hours of the day.

In the southern area of ​​the Namib Desert, and in the region of the Namaqua National Park, it rains very little.Namibia, near the border with northern coastal area due to wind and fog , despite being a mainly arid climate. In the colder can often be Winters sometimes. hot desert wind, influenced by the , it rains little and sporadically and there are no major population centers. The climate is mild and the winter temperatures are on average 16 while the summer temperatures are 20°C

Namaqua National Park - When to Go to South Africa - South Africa When to Go - South Africa When to Go - When to Go South Africa - When to Go to South Africa - When to Go South Africa - Best Time to Go to South Africa - South Africa Best Time - Best Time South Africa - Best Time for South Africa - Best Time to Go to South Africa - Best Time to Visit South Africa - South Africa Best Time
Namaqua National Park, in the Northern Cape province

Southern-Eastern Coastal Climate

Let’s move to the eastern and southern coastal area, to discover the South African climate and temperatures of this country, understanding the best period for trip and when to go. The climate in this area is subtropical, rainier and warmer than in the west. Here, we find important cities, such as East London, Durban, , being the most sheltered area. Cape of Good Hope. Here the sea is always very fresh, becoming milder towards False Bay, east offrom May to August, while the rainiest period is 13 and 22°C in February and towards Cape Town the averages in July are between Mediterranean area of ​​the coast, the climate becomes . In the most southwestern Port Elizabeth and Cape Town

Moving east of Cape Town, to the foot of the mountains, we find rainier places, such as Franschhoek, still with a Mediterranean climate. Separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Indian Ocean, Cape Agulhas is a windy place, overlooking a hostile and rough sea, with strong currents, like the Cape of Good Hope, going against the beliefs linked to its name, which was originally named by Bartolomeu Dias, its discoverer, Stormer’s End. In the eastern coastal area, the climate becomes milder with frequent rainfall in the hot months, becoming humid subtropical. Towards East London, as in Port Elizabeth, it rains a lot between October and March, also increasing humidity with mild temperatures.

Shark Rock Pier Port Elizabeth
Shark Rock Pier, a Port Elizabeth

Climate on the Plateau

TheSouth African Plateau covers most of the country’s surface, thus influencing its weather, climate and temperatures in South Africa. In this area, temperatures vary with altitude and there is atemperature excursion. winter are dry and sunny and, from May to August, the temperatures also go below zero due to Antarctic currents. summers, moreover, thunderstorms are frequent, especially at high altitudes . On the border with Namibia and Botswana, there is theKalahari Gemsbok National Park, where there is thearid savannah , with sand dunes in the Kalahari desert. The hottest place in the country, in the southwest, is near the Augrabies Falls, with temperatures reaching 49°C in January.

Towards Calvinia, they also reached 40°C from November to March. In winter, the coldest areas are the southern ones, more exposed to polar winds. Instead, thecentral eastern area has abundant rainfall. Johannesburg, on the Highveld plateau, has a mild and sunny climate , while in Pretoria, further north, the climate is slightly warmer due to the altitude of 1,300 m, in the eastern and southern areas of the plateau, have peaks reaching 2,000 m while the largest, in the mountain rangesand the months March and February are rainy. Thesummers are hot , the Kimberley. Moving to 1,200 m, in , has a peak that reaches 3,482 m, in Lesotho. Once you have passed 2,500 m, it snows from June to August.

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park - Climate South Africa - South Africa Climate - Climate in South Africa - Climate in South Africa - Climate South Africa - South Africa Climate - Climate in South Africa - Weather South Africa - Weather South Africa - South Africa Weather - South Africa Weather - Weather in South Africa - Temperatures South Africa - Temperatures South Africa - Temperature South Africa - South Africa Temperatures - South Africa Temperatures - Temperatures in South Africa - Temperature South Africa
Kgalagadi Park, a transboundary protected natural area

Climate in the northeast

When to go to South Africa in the north-east area, based on its weather, climate and temperature? in this area of ​​the country, the climate is warmer than in the plateau, having a lower latitude, on the Tropic of Capricorn, and with an altitude below 1,000 m. In this area, we also find the popular Kruger National Park, on the border with Mozambique, which is home to a large number of wildlife, including the Big Five. Winters are sunny and dry, with athermal range, even reaching 10°C at night, with days with averages of 27°C. Summers are humid and hot, with afternoon thunderstorms. On the border with Zimbabwe, near the river Limpopo, the area It is arid and showers are frequent from November to February. Furthermore, theMapungubwe National Park and theMusina Nature Reserveare located here. .

Mapungubwe National Park
Mapungubwe National Park, Limpopo

South Africa Temperatures, When to Go?

As we have seen, based on the areas we want to visit, we can find distinct types of climate, temperature and weather in South Africa. Therefore, it is important to know the weather and climate in South Africa to understand the best time to go, even though the climate is always mild and there are no periods that are not recommended for travel. The best period in South Africa, however, is from September to October, finding a compromise for all areas. A trip to South Africa, therefore, is particularly recommended in spring, but also in autumn. Winter, however, is ideal for visiting the north-east of the country, while summer is rainy, but never excessively.

Below, we will analyze each season, also listing any holidays and events. Advising you on trips and the best time to go to South Africa based on the climate and weather.

Winter in South Africa

The climate in South Africa and temperatures are during theaustral winter, which runs from June in August, ideal for visiting the north-east and the Kruger National Park. This way, you will avoid the summer heat and rain. From September to October, however, it is very hot and with cool nights. On theplateau the cold is intense, especially towards the centre-south, and Cape Town is very rainy north-eastern coast. and towards theswim in the Durban area. During some days, it will also be possible to

Spring in South Africa

If you are wondering what is the best time to visit South Africa, spring is definitely one of them. From September to October, this season is the perfect compromise to visit all the areas of the country, avoiding the cold on the plateau and the summer heat frequent in the internal areas. Furthermore, it will also be possible to visit the eastern area, avoiding the frequent summer rains and tropical cyclones, which are frequent in autumn and summer. Furthermore, in this season nature awakens, showing a colorful floral landscape, especially towards the first days of September. Following the first rains before spring, nature renews itself, offering a unique spectacle, especially the country’s national parks.

In the area of Western Cape, in the district of Darling, this area becomes the region of flowers in spring, finding wonderful spaces to observe nature in bloom. Furthermore, from 13 to 16 September the Darling Wildflower Show is held here . Furthermore, this is the ideal season for our South Africa Classic Tour, a trip from Cape Town to Johannesburg.

Classic South Africa Tour

In brief: South Africa 10 days group tour to discover the country.
Itinerary: Cape Town , Pretoria, Mpumalanga, Karongwe Game Reserve.
Duration: 10 days – 7 nights

Summer in South Africa

If you are still wondering when to go to South Africa, and are thinking about summer for your trip, let’s look at the weather, climate and temperatures this season. The internal areas are very hot and rains are frequent in the eastern area , like tropical cyclones even in autumn. Theaustral summer is from December to February and is the best time to visit the southern area of the country, such as Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. In the eastern South African area, however, the summer is very rainy, while on the eastern and southern coast the climate has a mild and rainy winter and the summers are sunny and hot, taking on characteristicsMediterranean. Even though the South African summer is the rainiest season, the showers are never excessive, so it is not a season not recommended for travel.

Autumn in South Africa

Finally, autumn in South Africa, with its climate and temperatures, is a good time to visit the country. Theaustral autumn includes the months from March to May, it is a ideal moments for your trip. In fact, the temperatures are mild in almost the entire country. In the central area of ​​the plateau and in the north, thedays are sunny and the nights are cool. Autumn is also the ideal time to organize a trip to South Africa during the All Saints long weekend. Furthermore, it is important to remember that our autumn, in South Africa is spring. In the south of the country, this season is very rainy, while in the rest of the country the climate remains mild. If you want to visit the wonderful beaches, this is the ideal season for the DurbanApril.

South Africa Climate, When to Go?

After having shown you what is the best time to go to South Africa based on the climate, we have seen that the ideal season to visit the country is spring and autumn.

So, what is the best time for South Africa? Let’s see the table together with all the details to find out when to go based on the months of the year.

Months per year*****=mild
*****=more expensive

FAQ, South Africa When To Go

Below you will find frequently asked questions from our travelers to see together what is the best time to go based on the weather in South Africa, its climate and temperatures.

When is it best to go to South Africa?

The periods in which it is best to go to South Africa are between April and May or from September to November. In fact, at this moment the climate is ideal for traveling to various areas of the country, as well as for the fares.

When to go to South Africa for safari?

The ideal period for a safari in South Africa is from April to October, during the dry season.

When to go on holiday to South Africa?

The best time for a holiday in South Africa should be planned based on your preferences. In fact, from April to October it is recommended for safaris, while from November to March to visit the area on the coast of the Western Cape, ideal for enjoying a holiday on its dream beaches.

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Holidays per month

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