When to travel to South East Asia

When to travel to South East Asia

If you are planning a Backpacking trip to South East Asia you will certainly also want to consider which itinerary to follow based on the climate so as to try to be in the right place at the right time. Whatever time of year you decide to travel, in this post you will find all the useful information to choose the best time to go and plan your visit while trying to escape the bad weather.

Il South East Asiatico It’s always hot and humid. Generally the best months to visit Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are those from December to February when the weather is cooler than the hot season from March to May and the monsoon period.

Monsoons in South East Asia

The monsoon season starts in June and ends in October. Torrential rains can be daily or even just for a few hours, it’s never safe but often after this rain that doesn’t seem to want to end it’s possible to return to the beach as if nothing had happened.

in general the last days of the monsoon season they are the ones where it rains most frequently, even all day and if the rain is very heavy then there could be interruptions to ferry services or even in the streets. It is also true that in recent years the monsoon season varies and the temperature can no longer be predicted with certainty.

Have you found plane tickets? See also on Traveljourn
Read also: Chase The Rains: 10 Best Monsoon Holidays in India

Statue in Ayutthaya Thailand

When and where to go in South East Asia month by month

If you are undecided about where to go in South Asia and want to avoid monsoons or too humid weather, below you will find more information on the climate month by month and advice on the best country to travel specifically.

January and February

January and February represent the height of the tourist season in South East Asia. The days are warm, but not as scorching as other times of the year, and dry, it rarely rains. January rains fall in southern countries, such as Malaysia and much of Indonesia, which experience heavy rains during this period, peaking in February. From Thailand up north this is the best time. Rainy season instead between Malaysia and Indonesia.

March and April

Mainland Southeast Asia continues to be mostly dry into March, but the heat begins to heat up. In Indonesia the rainy season is starting to come to an end. April is a rather hot month and traveling can be more difficult. In recent months the north of Vietnam it’s perfect because the temperatures aren’t as hot as elsewhere.

May and June

In these months it is very hot in almost all the countries of South East Asia while June marks the beginning of the monsoon season which will bring a bit of coolness but also humidity. Rainfall typically comes in the form of afternoon showers. The end of June is the perfect ideal for visit Bali which is quite dry and cooler than earlier in the year, making it a popular time to visit.

July and August

In these months it rains in most South East Asian countries with some exceptions. Koh Tao and Koh Phangan in Thailand for example are more protected from rain than the rest of the country. These are the best months to travel to Indonesia and Bali.

September and October

These are the rainiest months, particularly in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, so much so that they are often hit by heavy floods. These are the most humid and rainy months. Towards the end of October the rain eases and so does the humidity.

November and December

In November the rainy season is more or less over in most of the countries of South East Asia which, after the heavy rains, are very green with cool temperatures, especially at night.
The rains begin in the southern countries of the region, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Best months to travel to South East Asia by country

  • Best time to visit Burma runs from November to February. Temperatures are cool in the mountains and really cold in places like Kalaw. From mid-February onwards the heat begins to culminate in April which is the hottest month of the year.
  • In Cambogia the climate is governed by two seasons: the dry season which goes from November to May and an increase in temperatures from February and the rainy season which goes from June to November which is very windy, rainy and with strong winds. If you want to visit the rural areas of Cambodia in the rainy season, the journey could be a little difficult due to poor services.
  • In Laos the rainy season runs from May to October and the dry season from November to January. The not recommended period for traveling to Laos is from March to May, months in which it becomes so hot that it becomes unbearable even for locals.
  • In Vietnam the south is a tropical area and in the north in winter the climate can be quite cool especially in Honoi where a jacket becomes mandatory. In the South the Monsoons begin in May and end in October, bringing heat throughout the country except in the mountainous regions. Between August and November there could be typhoons which, if too strong, block main roads and transport services.
  • The Thailand it is hot all year round, there are 3 seasons: Hot season (from March to May), Rainy season (from June to October) e cool season (from November to February). In the hot season the Northern region is definitely the one where you risk suffering from the heat, just think that it is called the “fire season” especially near Chiang Mai. The same region in the cool season, however, is the coldest of the entire region, especially in the mountains, temperatures can reach 4 degrees at night. In the rainy season, Southern Thailand sees days of continuous rain, rough seas and flooding.
  • In genere in Malaysia there are two monsoon seasons, the first running from November to February and the second from May to November.
  • A Singapore there are no seasons, the weather is always hot, humid and rainy all year round. The months from November to May are considered rainy but here you always need to have a raincoat and closed shoes in your bag.
  • In Indonesia the rain begins in September in Sumatra and continues eastwards arriving in East Timor in November or December. The best season to visit Indonesia is from May to September.
  • In Philippines generally the dry months are January and February while typhoons could be encountered between June and November.

The rainiest months are the summer ones which start from May and end in October but this does not prevent you from going on holiday even if the heat and humidity could be slowing factors.

However, the rains shouldn’t scare you as they don’t necessarily last all day but can instead be limited to just a few hours and then return to normal when you least expect it.

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