4000 Islands in Laos

4000 Islands in Laos – Relax all’isola Don Det

Where the fMekong river ibegins to prepare to cross Cambodia and flow into the sea passing through Vietnam. There are 4000 islands distributed in a sort of lagoon archipelago. The 4000 islands in Laos (or Si Phan Don) are located in Laos, on the border with Cambodia. Despite the 4000 islands in total, there are actually three main islands: Don Kong, Don Det and Don Kon.

Although in the beginning I had decided to spend a few days between Don Det and Don Kongh, in the end I found the small island (Don It) a very quiet place, where unless you want to do some physical activity such as kayaking (canoeing) or tubing there aren’t many things to do here other than staying on the beach or in some bar and doing nothing.
Or better. If you work like I do, this could actually be the ideal place: wifi everywhere (more or less good but it’s there), time available and the impression of being on a sea island instead of being in a river. Furthermore, considering that the idea of ​​swimming in the river doesn’t appeal to me much, the temptation to stop working completely isn’t there.
So it’s obvious why I had such a great time here. Tropical sensation without the risk of falling into temptation, which in a nutshell translates into more work.

Apart from this, I actually think that this corner of Laos is very suggestive, simple and slow. Life flows without haste, every day can seem like the previous one, you relax and surround yourself for a while in silence, away from the chaos of the cities and the motorbikes whizzing by and the horns of the cars that never seem to get tired at any time of the day. day and night.
Life here is simple and although it is a predominantly tourist place and aimed at young people (the average age in fact does not exceed 28 you think) it is not an island that I would define as ideal for partying a bit. If what you’re looking for here is a party then I recommend changing your mind about coming to Don Det, in the evening everything ends by 11.30pm, the lights go out and you go to bed.
I believe it is an island of peace like few others remain, where tourists, although they are the majority, have not imported that mass tourism made up of evenings full of alcohol and non-stop parties, where you can enjoy the It’s sweet to do nothing and fall back to continue your journey.
Most of guesthouse and restaurants are run by locals, despite this you don’t come across many locals around (unless you enter one of the shops or go to a restaurant). It’s not clear to me where they eat and above all what, given that there are no local markets and the only possible option seems to be a restaurant.

Sleeping can be quite cheap, I found a bungalow (Dalom Gesthouse) with bathroom for 2 people at 40,000 kip, or $5 (i.e. $2.50 each)
The food is quite varied, but considering how much it cost in Cambodia, Thailand or Vietnam, here in Laos I find it quite expensive.
But this is someone who is used to paying $1 for a large portion while here you need 2 dollars, double that, after getting used to ridiculous prices I really feel this 50% increase.

Although I said that the choice is varied, unfortunately there is no comparison with the cuisine of the surrounding countries but apart from the usual noodles what I recommend are the following dishes:
Chocolate and banana pancakes (10,000 kip) at the bar in front of the Dalom guesthouse. The restaurant is called Mom Tanone.
Coconut Shake at the bar of the Xayxana guesthouse (the part of the island where you go for the sunset), the shake costs 7000 kip and is the best coconut shake I’ve tried so far.
Always here if you are in the mood you can try the deep fried banana and coconut, the name says it all. 60,000 calories of happiness but I assure you that served with milk cream it is a pretty fattening dish.
For dinner you must not miss the barbecue of meat skewers. A skewer with meat, pineapple, onion, tomato and salad and a baguette costs only 17,000 ($2) and you will be more than satisfied. The restaurant is the third on the left as you go up from the beach (unfortunately I don’t remember the name and my hunger made me forget to write it down) and it is run by an English guy. You can’t get confused, you can smell the skewers from the beach and when you see huge skewers of meat with pineapple and various vegetables (and I repeat, huge) stop.
The restaurant also has a pool table and free wifi, the pool table is not the best in the world, a little old and the balls eventually follow the trajectory they prefer but still a diversion in an island where not many things happen .

How to get to the 4000 Islands

To get to the 4000 islands you can take a shuttle service organized by the guesthouses or restaurants in Pakse.
The cost is 55,000-65,000kip, it depends where you buy it but ask around before buying because I have seen different prices, it includes minibus, quite uncomfortable, and boat.
To leave you need to contact one of the numerous agencies in Don Det and buy a ticket for the chosen destination.
Tickets are sold from the islands to Vieuten, Lao Probang and other destinations in northern Laos.
Alternatively you can get to the islands by public buses but I think that on balance the cost is the same considering that from the guesthouse you would have to take a tuk tuk (which here costs a whopping 20,000 kip or $2.50), and then buy the ticket for the boat

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