How to get to Santiago de Chile from the airport

How to get to Santiago de Chile from the airport

how to get to santiago from the airport

The ideal is to start your adventure in South America starting from Chile.
Why? Because if you have never traveled Chile like the Argentina they are much more European than they can be there Bolivia o to Colombia because it is a safe country, but above all because South America is so large that it is better to start from one of the two extremes, south or north.

For logistical reasons, I came from New Zealand, Chile was the closest and cheapest country but since I know how things go very often, if you start from the south of South America you could get to Colombia and decide to continue there towards Central America. Difficult choice to make if you do the opposite route.

Therefore, an excellent solution for those who have unclear ideas, like myself.

Landing in Latin America made me forget how many precautions I have to take when choosing the means by which to get to the city center.
I therefore believe that a post on the various transport options to get to the center of Santiago could be useful to someone, I hope to many since the city is beautiful and worth visiting.
The airport is not very large but it is still an international airport and what will immediately catch the eye, especially for those arriving from countries such as New Zealand or Australia, is that everything is very messy and confusing.
I’ve left airports where people queue normally only to find myself queuing Italian-style again, sort of row “for me”.

To get from the airport to the centre, there are numerous options to choose from based on where you need to get to in the city.
Important note: Rely on official companies, buses, shuttles or taxis. We are in South America where being robbed by a taxi driver wouldn’t be a big deal, although Chile is actually very safe, it’s always a good idea to take the necessary precautions.

Have you found plane tickets? See also on Traveljourn
Read also: 10 best tourist attractions in Santiago de Compostela and easy day trips

How to get from Santiago airport to the city center: Taxi, Shuttles or Bus

To get to the center there are 3 options: Taxi, shuttles (called collective taxis) a bus
Taxi – The official taxis are: Taxi Official and Taxi Vip. I didn’t take it but I saw that prices start at $17 and I knew there was a shared taxi.

Shuttle or collective taxi TransVip which is the official company with offices inside the airport. They are collective taxis that for $6,500 ($12) will take you to your destination without having to make changes or take subways or buses once you arrive. Ideal if it’s your first time and you don’t know how to get to your hostel, hotel or home.

Bus – To save money and be 100% involved in the adventure, you can take a bus to the center and move from there by public transport. The official company are: Port Center e Tour Bus.
CenterPort it is slightly cheaper than TurBus. A ticket from one way costs $1600 (pesos) or almost $3, round trip costs $2,800 or just over $5.
While taxis and shuttles operate 24 hours a day, buses operate from 6 am to 11.30 pm (CentroPuerto) and until midnight (TourBus)
CenterPort stops at the following stations: Metro Station Los Héroes – Metro Station Central – Metro Station Universidad de Santiago – Metro Station Las Rejas – Metro Station Pajaritos
TourBus instead it stops at the following stations: Currency Corner San Martín – Metro Station Universidad de Santiago – Metro Station Las Rejas – Metro Station Pajaritos.
For more information this is the official website

I opted for the shuttle, paying $6 dollars more than I would have paid in total for the CentroPuerto Bus and subway, but I also came from a 12-hour journey and with considerable jet lag. If I had to fly away from Santiago for the return trip I would definitely take the bus, thus paying a total of $5 against the $12 and above all after having made sure that public transport in the city works very well and is well organized.

In 20 minutes by car you will be in the center of Santiago. Welcome to South America!

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