natural pools

The natural pools that look like they were painted by an artist

We travel for many reasons, we do it to reach the artistic monuments and architectural masterpieces that have become the symbols of entire cities and countries, to visit iconic places, to touch with our hands and senses the traditions, customs and cultures of nearby and distant populations.

But we also do it to observe all of them closely extraordinary works that bear the signature of Mother Nature and which are so beautiful that they don’t seem real. And yet they are, and for this reason they appear to our gaze like a daydream.

And this is what happens when you visit Huanglong Park, an area of ​​historical and scenic interest located in Songpan county, Sichuan province, China. This is where there are some natural pools that have the color of the sky is that they look like they were painted by an artist.

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The park of wonders that stole the colors from a painting

Our adventure today takes us to the other side of the world, in one enchanted destination which, alone, is worth the entire trip. We are located in Huanglong, a scenic and scenic area of ​​immense beauty located in Sichuan province, China, and little known to mass tourism. A wonder park which was included in the list of Unesco World Heritage Site in 1992 and which is today considered a biosphere reserve.

They show what there is to see that is so extraordinary here the snapshots present on the web and on social media. The area, in fact, is known for its deep blue pools of water formed by calcite deposits. All around, then, lush forests, snow-capped peaks and… thunderous waterfalls that make the scenery worthy of a fairy tale.

Huanglong ParkFurthermore, over the years it has transformed into the habitat of numerous native species in danger of extinction. Among these there is also the giant panda which hides among the majestic conifers.

The vision that opens before the eyes of those who arrive here is truly surreal. The absolute protagonists of the scenario are the small natural pools characterized by iridescent and brilliant colors which, as a whole, they look like a painted picture. And instead, once again, it’s all thanks to Mother Nature.

How and when to visit natural pools that seem painted

Huanglong Park, certainly less known than the Jiuzhaigou scenic area, opens up before the gaze of travelers like a daydream. Time and atmospheric agents, in fact, have transformed this area into the stage of an incredible spectacle, that of many natural pools with incredible colours.

The blue water, in fact, assumes infinite nuances thanks to calcium carbonate deposits, transforming into a sparkling rainbow that bewitches and enchants.

There are many different paths to follow to reach the pools painted by Mother Nature and to admire the entire landscape. The best time to undertake this journey is certainly autumn, during which it is possible to admire the scenery under the suggestive light of the season. Even in summer, Huanglong shows its most beautiful face: during the rainy season, in fact, the pools and waterfalls are more lush than ever.

To reach Huanglong and get your fill of beauty, the advice is to land at Jiuzhai Huanglong airport and rent a car from there. Alternatively, it is possible to take part in the numerous tours that are organized throughout the year.

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