travel insurance expenses incurred

When travel insurance does not cover the expenses incurred

When traveling especially for long periods and in non-European countries it is important if not even necessary to have one travel insurance which could be your only lifeline in the event of lost luggage, flight delays or cancellations or sudden illnesses. Your trip could become a nightmare, which is why it is necessary to always have travel insurance to protect you from any unexpected events.

The offer is vast, the most frequent and the one that cannot be renounced is the one on illnesses and medical expenses. These insurance policies can cover medical expenses, hospitalizations, operations, reimbursements for repatriation or… return to coffin (I cringe and knock on wood).
In addition to health reasons, you can choose insurance that includes loss, theft or damage to luggage, flight cancellations or changes… in short, there is something for all your needs.

But be careful when choosing insurance for your travel as it could happen that the contract includes clauses written so small that in the end if you have to pay in advance (for example a doctor because you have been ill ) upon requesting a refund you will be told that they cannot cover the expense.
Below is a list of the reasons why this could happen, so be careful when you take out a policy, read all the clauses of the contract carefully and don’t miss anything!

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man sitting on gang chair with feet on luggage looking at airplane

  • Lack of evidence: Anything that happens while you are on holiday must be documented with receipts and a description of the event made by the authorities (police, doctors, etc.). For example, if you are ill and go to the doctor you need not only the receipt from the doctor’s office but also a report in which the doctor writes what the problem was.
  • Activities NOT included: There are sporting activities that are not always included in the case of accidents such as trekking, bunjee jumping, cycling, parachuting or even innocent dinghy trips!
  • Canceled Holidays: Don’t expect to be refunded if you decide to cancel your holiday at the last minute for safety reasons. The insurance companies reimburse only in the case of serious accidents or family deaths.
  • Timing or formal defects: refunds must be requested as soon as possible or refunds may be refused and the same applies to any formal defects. So be careful how and which forms you fill out.
  • Alcohol in the body: If you have an accident and the insurance company can prove that there was alcohol in your system in excess of the norm then forget about the reimbursement.
  • Good health conditions: This especially concerns elderly people whose health conditions were not ascertained before departure. After the age of 60, coverage in the event of illness decreases.
  • Not recommended locations: There are 36 countries on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Blacklist. If you’re headed right there…there may be a chance you won’t get a refund
  • Inattentions: If your luggage is stolen because you wanted a coffee at the bus station and you went to the bar leaving it unattended… it’s your fault! Same thing goes for safes. If you don’t use them you will not be refunded.
  • Natural disasters, terrorism and strikes: These three categories are never covered by travel insurance.

With this article I don’t want to say that you shouldn’t leave, much less that you shouldn’t take out any insurance policy, but rather I’m saying that it’s always better to read the contracts and clauses before signing and then find yourself holding a bag of flies!

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