Traveling alone around the world

A woman discovering the world backpacking. Why and how

Is it easy to travel backpacking for long periods? No.
Is it easy to travel alone? No.
Is it easy to decide to leave everything to set off towards unknown destinations? No.

But then why leave your certainties, which although repetitive and sometimes boring are still certainties? Why leave a peaceful life, your comforts and comforts to get back into the game and revolutionize your life in such a drastic way?

These are the typical questions that I have heard myself asked and that perhaps everyone who travels has heard hundreds of times backpacker.
The fact of leaving alone not only increases even more the curiosity of those who say “I would like to do it too but I’m not strong and courageous enough” but sometimes it makes you seem like a wild and a little disoriented crazy person, when in reality in my opinion the The decision to travel is precisely a symptom of a crisis that has not only been fought but also overcome victoriously.

In my short (let’s say medium perhaps) life I have learned that nothing is impossible, and this is not the Adidas slogan, but that everything is doable even if the path is not always easy, carefree and without unexpected events.

Documents for going to India: Passport?

Why travel alone – Reasons and inspiration

Your personal guide to traveling alone

It’s not easy to make the decision to give up everything and leave for a few months, it’s not easy to put your life in a 20 kilo backpack and know that that will be your shell like a snail, it’s not easy to go away carefree without thinking about what will happen when you return.
On the other hand, if it were easy to travel in this way it would be much more common and frequent but these decisions are unlikely to be immediate and sudden, they mature over time and become effective when you feel ready.
Before leaving we think a lot, we take stock of the past, present and future and we take stock.
The only question I asked myself the day I decided to go on an adventure was: You are happy?
I really wasn’t, I wasn’t doing what I wanted, I wasn’t living in a city that I liked, I saw many certainties but not a glimmer of personal and above all human satisfaction. I had to change things and I had to do it without letting myself be flattened by someone way of life that it didn’t belong to me and that above all it was moving away from my ideal of life.

I found myself at a crossroads: stay or leave? Continue and insist or leave everything and open myself to an unknown and unpredictable reality and let events happen?
The reservation of one way ticket it was almost a logical consequence.
So I decided to travel and to do it with the money I had saved over years of work.
I didn’t want a car. Not a house. I just wanted to travel.

I have never traveled and I still don’t travel to find myself, not to escape from problems but just for one uncontainable desire for freedomautonomy and independence.
I wanted to breathe freely and take my time without having restrictions on holidays and working hours, I simply wanted to discover that part of the world that is there immobile on the maps hanging on the school walls and that we all know produces beetroot and potatoes.
But what are they really like? How do people live there? Has the frenzy of the West also claimed victims in countries I only know from postcards?

This is how the trip to Central America began in January 2011, a trip that went on to become a trip around the world.
The route was planned in broad terms, the itineraries were very approximate but I had the certainty and will to make a journey that would last as long as I wanted.

The choice of Central America was due to the fact that it is smaller than South America and Asia, I imagined it would be easy to discover using only public transport and I could learn spanish. The rest was an adventure and I didn’t know what to expect.
The decision to leave alone was partly a consequence of the fact that I wouldn’t have found travel companions willing to go away for 6 months, partly because I wanted to find myself in situations that I could manage in my own way without having to compromise. with nobody. And never has a decision been wiser.

I am a woman, but this does not mean defenseless, and like thousands of women all over the world I have decided to follow my instincts and discover the world without having to find myself one day wondering why I didn’t do it when I could.

Traveling is not going on holiday, it is rather a formative experience and an internal journey that overturns one’s visions of life and is tiring. Very.
But without realizing it, as the months went by, I smoothed out sides of my character or ways of being that led me to believe that we have become nothing but little machines that sometimes, too often, sacrifice themselves without taking a little time to themselves and simply stop to look, smell or feel.
I so wanted to rediscover everything that was within reach and that I could no longer see and appreciate, I wanted to meet and collide with cultures different from mine and revisit myself, I wanted to be able to give the right value to things and be able to evaluate them for what they are.

To traveled like this for 6 months aloneeven though I have never been alone, I left Cuba and then flew to vital and vibrant Jamaica.
I slept on tiny, deserted islands in Panama and surfed the best waves in the Pacific Ocean. I learned to cook Mexican and climbed volcanoes in Guatemala. I have taken part in Indian ceremonies and discussed with the Mayans in the shadow of the temples of Tikal the very frightening end of the world (incidentally there will be no end of the world).
And now I’m preparing for the world trip. The TravelBug is now in the body!

Why travel? And why do it yourself?

Traveling is livingperhaps in a less conventional way (perhaps not very popular with our dads who would like to see us behind a desk in a public office).
Traveling is learning to take responsibility and know how to manage themselves.
Traveling alone it’s learning to know your limits and overcoming them.
Traveling is an ego that opens up to an us and which teaches respect and allows you to reclaim your life and know yourself as stronger than you thought.

I want to conclude with a piece of the song My Way by Frank Sinatra which I believe represents me a lot in this period and which explains well the meaning of traveling or in general of the choices that are made autonomously and independently as long as they are choices aimed at making us happy and satisfied : I’ve lived a life that’s full, I’ve travelled each and every highway. And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

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