Where to sleep on the San Blas Islands Panama

Where to sleep on the San Blas Islands Panama

Panama is a country not yet invaded by tourism but with all the potential if it were not for the fact that it has some of the most beautiful islands in the world.

L’San Blas archipelago it is in fact made up of 380 islands immersed in the blue Caribbean sea and facing the ominous Darien the famous off limits zone between Panama and Colombia.

The islands enjoy a jurisdiction that does not belong to Panama the inhabitants, the Kuna who among other things are among the smallest populations in the world after the Pygmies, wear colorful clothes and bracelets and anklets made with beads.

The women with their out-of-this-world clothing are delightful and their reserved nature makes them appear even more fascinating and interesting.

The islands are of various sizes there are the larger ones where Kuna communities live or you can arrive at some really small ones, so small that in 3 minutes you can walk around them.

There is no electricity after 11pm, there is no internet and internet data works poorly.
You immerse yourself in one heavenly situation for a few days, forgetting about the daily rush and learning again to live in close contact with nature.
There are numerous options for sleeping on the islands and obviously at different costs.
From residences of a certain level and rather expensive you can move on to homestay that is, paying for a bed in the Kuna house to stay on a sailing boat.

Have you found plane tickets? See also on Traveljourn
Read also: How to get to the San Blas Islands from Panama City

If you then want to sleep in the hammock rather than in a bed. But it’s always windy at night and it might not be ideal.

There are no bars on the islands so you always have to do the shopping (water in particular) before arriving in San Blas, but this will be told to you by the agency itself that will organize the trip for you, practically impossible to do on your own. Generally before taking you to Colon by car you stop at the supermarket to buy food and water.

To the option of sleeping on the islands alternatively, if not preferably, it is possible to discover thearchipelago on a sailing boat or catamaran.

San Blas islands

How to get to San Blas from Panama

To get to the islands there are two options. Or fly from Panama City airport (about 45 minute flight) but it’s not always very easy to book.
Or you can rely on one of the many agencies, your hotel or hostel will be able to advise you, which will take you by minibus to Colon from which you will take a launch, or a small wooden boat, for two crazy hours of sailing.
Generally a transfer in and out by taxi costs approx $100.

If you suffer from seasickness it is advisable to take anti-pills and it is also advisable to sit at the back of the boat because in front there are breathtaking jumps. On the way back sit in the opposite way, maybe you avoid all the water I took… maybe.

San Blas archipelago on a sailing boat

There is no better way to discover this magical archipelago, defined “Caribbean Polynesia” than on a sailing boat.
Navigate among the 360 ​​atollsthe islands dragged by the winds is one of the most beautiful experiences for those who want to discover this magical place that is still very little known but which in my opinion is instead one of the most beautiful corners of the earth.
Costs start from US$180 per day per person all-inclusive board.

3 and 4 day mini tours to San Blas

If the boat isn’t right for you or is too much beyond your budget, the alternative is island hopping and then taking day trips.
This is the most popular solution among backpackers.
Costs are around €450 for 4 days and three nights and includes transportation to and from Panama City.

These tours that may be of interest to you, it is important to be clear that the accommodations are very basic:

I strongly advise against the day tour because most of the time you would spend getting to the islands and leaving and it would leave you with a bad taste in your mouth!

Alternatively there are some cabanas on some islands, ideal for those who prefer a land-based solution, all on different islands, such as Wailidup Cabins, Guainiup Cabins and Arridup Island.

Organize your sailing or catamaran trip to San Blas

Trust local operators and dedicated Travel Designers to design and implement the sailing or catamaran trip to San Blas. I am in direct contact with many skippers on the islands and will be able to help you find the best boat for your holiday

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